40 Attributes of God the Father

40 Attributes of God the Father

What do you feel when you hear God the Father? Or what about this passage from 1 John.

“See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are.” (1 John 3:1)

Notice what happens in your body when you imagine a God who wants to Father you. A God who longs to parent you. To love you. To support you. To offer you wise counsel. To protect you. To delight in you.

Do you wince or reach out? Do you clench and tighten up or soften and loosen? Does your stomach church, or does it ease in relaxation? Does your heart get heavy, or does it lighten with ease? Do you feel closed and resistant or open and receiving?

Our bodily reaction to God the Father matters because it points to something harming our relationship with God and speaks to our wounds and the story of our experiences with attachment and authority figures.

Many of us cognitively know that God is safe, and we desire to know God intimately and be received by Him tenderly, but our bodies may tell a different story. If we are honest with ourselves, we can identify parts of ourselves that can be mistrusting, ambivalent, avoidant, or even angry with God the Father.

We often struggle to be honest with ourselves about these hidden parts because it can bring us much shame. We have a long list of self-judgments and expectations that do not make room for what lies behind our disconnection with God the Father.

But until we allow ourselves to explore these parts of ourselves, we will continue to struggle with trusting, remaining open, surrendering, and even hoping in God the Father, and as a result, we will miss out on the totality of God’s lavish love for us.

We may need to begin making space for our life experiences to heal this rupture. We may need to ask ourselves, what was my relationship with my father like? What were my experiences with older men like? With authority figures? Did I experience anything that made me doubt the goodness of God the Father? Am I projecting my earthly experiences onto God?

In my own life, there was a period when God felt demanding, critical, and highly punitive. There was also something about Him that made me feel like I had to walk on eggshells. I often worried that the good in my life wouldn’t last because God the Father would want me to suffer, especially if I were having too much fun or receiving too many gifts.

As a result, I kept God the Father at a distance and focused more on Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Since God is still the Son and the Spirit, I could maintain a close enough relationship with God, but I noticed that I couldn’t fully restore my identity as His beloved child. I needed to heal my image of the Father to show me what it means to be a daughter and what it means to be cherished, chosen, and parented in a way that made me feel fully loved.

Fortunately, my healing came. It took a lot of prayer, journal writing, therapy, trauma treatment, music, spiritual direction, and book reading, but it came. I don’t always have an image of God the Father, but I feel His presence. I know I can trust in Him. He feels safe, and as a result, I can yearn and turn to Him with confidence.

And dear reader, I desire the same for you. No matter where you’re at and how distorted your image of God the Father may be, your healing will come. You can develop a closer and more intimate relationship and separate your earthly experiences from the truth of who God the Father is.

Consider spending 40 days contemplating and praying with the different attributes of God the Father listed below. You may want to print these phrases out and put them in something you can shuffle and pull out daily.

As you sit with the words, see if you can pay attention to your body, notice if any parts of you come up, make space for any imagery that may be associated with the words, and see if you can permit yourself to imagine a Father who loves every part of you.

  1. God the Father is kind 

  2. God the Father is compassionate 

  3. God the Father is merciful 

  4. God the Father is faithful 

  5. God the Father is devoted  

  6. God the Father pursues 

  7. God the Father is unrelenting 

  8. God the Father is patient 

  9. God the Father understanding 

  10. God the Father is truthful 

  11. God the Father holds things in perfect order 

  12. God the Father is generous 

  13. God the Father is strong 

  14. God the Father is humorous

  15. God the Father provides safety 

  16. God the Father provides security 

  17. God the Father is trustworthy 

  18. God the Father is slow to anger 

  19. God the Father is healing 

  20. God the Father is encouraging

  21. God the Father is a giver of good gifts 

  22. God the Father is a teacher 

  23. God the Father is a provider 

  24. God the Father is wise 

  25. God the Father is welcoming 

  26. God the Father is righteous 

  27. God the Father is a defender 

  28. God the Father is a champion for the vulnerable 

  29. God the Father speaks words that bring life 

  30. God the Father is just 

  31. God the Father is gentle 

  32. God the Father creates and restores beauty 

  33. God the Father is dependable 

  34. God the Father is present 

  35. God the Father is a good listener 

  36. God the Father is affectionate

  37. God the Father is creative

  38. God the Father is supportive 

  39. God the Father is affirming

  40. God the Father is responsive

May Jesus show you the true heart of His Father. May you come to know the One who calls you His child intimately. Amen.


reconnecting with JOY