Want to heal with your spouse?

I’ve got you covered! Introducing “Marriage Heals,” a workbook that includes 87 pages of content, 1 45-minute video and a Parts Mapping Tool to help you experience a more whole and holy marriage!


Within this interactive workbook, you will learn how to heal with your spouse using my Spirit-Led Inner Child work method.

There are 8 parts to the workbook:

  1. Get anchored

  2. Let your Spirit Led Adult Self lead your marriage

  3. Make Space for each other’s Imago Dei

  4. Tend to each other’s Wounded Child

  5. Create safety for each other’s Protector

  6. Attune to each other’s parts

  7. Be curious about each other’s internal world

  8. Act intentionally

Each part will take about 45-60 minutes to complete with your spouse and will lead to deeper communication, intimacy, understanding, and healing.

Marriage Heals
One time

Building a safe and secure home

When we get married, two imperfect people come together to build a home. Within this home, we bring our childhood experiences, past hurts, unhealthy coping skills, and our wounds. When this is not examined thoroughly and our wounds are left unhealed, the home we build together can begin crumbling down. It might no longer feel safe and secure, or you might find yourself stunted by your past, unable to continue building.

Within this interactive workbook, you will learn how to examine your wounds in a whole new way and work towards taking responsibility for them, while supporting your spouse’s healing too. You will learn how to build a new home or spruce your existing one by building a stronger foundation and working on the things that often lead to destruction.

Regardless of your background, your story, and where you’re at in your marriage, you will discover something new about yourself, gain more skills and vocabulary that will enhance your marriage and help you to grow in wholeness and holiness.


“it is necessary that the heroic becomes daily and that the daily becomes heroic.”

-St. Zelie Martin


In this interactive workbook you will learn how to:

  • Live more anchored

  • Acknowledge and attune to you and your spouse’s child-parts

  • Take responsibility for your own wounds and defense mechanisms

  • Increase safety and security

  • Heal together

Each section will have a video to watch and different activities and questions to reflect on that will help you experience more healing in your marriage.


One of the first activities that you will be doing together is exploring what will you and your spouse be more anchored. You’ll have the opportunity to reflect on what is keeping you from a healthy and mature marriage and the childish behaviors and beliefs you learned that might be keeping you in a dysfunctional cycle.

As we target what is childish and also increase more maturity and childlikeness, the hope is that you’ll experience more integration internally and as a result, more unity with each other.

Marriage Heals
One time