“Oh brave, oh broken, beautifully brave one, remember. remember that no matter how tiny the fragments this time, how far apart they are scattered, how long you must search, he will help you find the pieces of the person you once were and the image you once bore.” -Maya Joelle
The webinars and workbooks featured here can be a great way to help you experience the additional support you may need or bridge the gap between whatever is in the way of receiving professional support. Each trauma-informed webinar and workbook is rooted in Catholic-Christian spirituality and Inner Child work. These webinars and workbooks will help you better understand yourself and experience holistic care and healing. I pray you find something to help you rediscover who you truly are and live a life of great love.
Webinars and Workbooks
Fully Alive Coaching Program
Experience the transformational 12-week program to heal wounds, integrate your body and soul, and your Spirit Led Adult Self with your Inner Child. You can learn more about the program here. If you would like to purchase the program without Pastoral Counseling support you can join now below for a one time fee.
Pastoral Counseling in addition to the online material is recommended and preferred so that you can receive authentic witnessing, support, co-regulation, and gain helpful new insights. To get started with the program with Pastoral Counseling, please schedule a 15-minute consultation first. Brya Hanan will listen to your present needs and match you with a Pastoral Counselor best suited to support you. The program’s cost with Pastoral Counseling and additional information can be found here.
Integrative Catholic Coaching Training
Get trained in Brya Hanan’s Spirit-Led Inner Child Method and become a Certified Integrative Catholic Coach. Learn more about the program here.
Before purchasing, please schedule a free 15-minute consultation to learn more.
Marriage Heals
Within this interactive workbook, you will learn how to heal with your spouse using my Spirit-Led Inner Child work method.
There are 8 parts to the workbook:
Get anchored
Let your Spirit Led Adult Self lead your marriage
Make Space for each other’s Imago Dei
Tend to each other’s Wounded Child
Create safety for each other’s Protector
Attune to each other’s parts
Be curious about each other’s internal world
Act intentionally
Each part will take about 45-60 minutes to complete with your spouse and will lead to deeper communication, intimacy, understanding, and healing. You can learn more about this workbook here.
Click below to join. After you sign up, you’ll be able to log in to receive the PDF workbook, video, and Parts Mapping tool.
Healing your Inner Child with God
Experience my first webinar that introduces Inner Child work and my Spirit Led Inner Child work method, Healing Your Inner Child with God.
In addition to the webinar you will receive the Healing your Inner Child with God workbook for free! Learn more here. I recommend this webinar for anyone who would like a gentle and basic introduction to exploring their Inner Child-parts.
*This workbook was released in 2021. Since then there has been new research and developments to my Spirit-led Inner Child work model.